General information

Formal details and publications

Contact details

Stichting Dom-ray
Paramaribostraat 139-1
1058VK Amsterdam

Postal address:
Stichting Dom-ray
Papenweg 122
6212 CJ Maastricht

Telefone number: +31683536329
E-mail address:

Business details

KVK: 14095608

ANBI RSIN: 818238057

IBAN: NL48ABNA0602123801



Trustees and compensation

Chair: E. Cohen
Secretary: P.E.H. Rondagh
Treasurer: G.J.H. Stallinga

All of Dom-ray’s administration and fund-raising is carried out by the trustees or volunteers and is unpaid.


Dom-ray aims to give disadvantaged people in developing countries, especially children and young adults in Cambodia, the opportunity to brighten their futures. To reach this goal, Dom-ray collaborates with international and Cambodian organisations and funds several local initiatives. Dom-ray is a non-profit organisation. All of Dom-ray’s administration and fund-raising is carried out by the trustees or volunteers and is unpaid. All acquired funds are spent to achieve the objectives of Dom-ray.