Always moving forward
To illustrate how donations to our charity are spent, we would like to show you which projects we commit to.
Stay up to date by reading the updates on this page or follow us on Facebook, Instagram of LinkedIn. We would love to show you in detail how your donations to Dom-ray are spent and how they reach those in need.
CountrySide Education Project
The Countryside Education Project offers education opportunities to the children and youngsters from the poor farming village of Kor. This project is extra special, because it was initiated by former NFC student Ratana in 2013.
Ratana is an orphan from the poor farming village of Kor. At a young age he found shelter in NFC and by now he has completed a double degree at university. Ratana is grateful for the opportunities NFC has given him – opportunities many other Cambodian children will never get. In 2013 he proposed to start an education program in his hometown to help other underprivileged children. Naturally, we were very excited to help him realise this project.
Generally, children in Cambodia attend regular education. Attending a public school is free. However, many families do not have the financial means to cover the additional costs that come with schooling, such as the costs for school uniforms, books, stationary, and so on. The CSEP is located in a poor farming community in rural Cambodia. Many families need to live on less than €5 per day. Due to these financial difficulties parents may not prioritise school for their children, but may ask them to help generate income. Ratana wanted to change this situation and motivate the community for education. For many years Ratana spent every weekend in the village and on a voluntary basis taught the children in a make-shift classroom. But the project became increasingly popular and hundreds of children applied. Currently, the CSEP employs several teachers and proper classrooms have been built..
The CSEP’s main aim is to motivate children and their parents for education. We advocate that all children attend public Cambodian primary and secondary school. If they are unable to pay for their school books, we will ensure that copies are made available in our library. If they cannot afford school uniforms, we will pay for them. To help students get to their often distant school, we provide them with bicycles. The CSEP also offers extracurricular lessons in the English language and in computer skills. With this project we have achieved a change in mentality: at first most families were focussed on short-term results (having their children contribute to the family income), but now most families understand the long-term benefits of education and have become motivated to send their youngsters to school. Many of the youngsters involved in Dom-ray’s projects are the first ones in their families to complete their primary and secondary school levels and to continue their studies at university.
Daycare and preschool education
A lot of families in the Cambodian countryside are extremely poor. Parents often have to work many hours to earn a small wage to maintain their families. Their workplace is often located far away; in the big city, for example. To take care of the toddlers while parents are at work, older siblings are often kept home from school. A daycare can prevent this from happening. Moreover, preschool education will allow these children to develop themselves to their full potential.
We strive to provide the youngest children in our community with a safe space where they can learn through play. The project will also monitor the toddlers health and provide them with healthy meals; important for both their physical and cognitive growth. They will be able to develop themselves to their full potential, providing them with much better changes later in life.
The project will not only benefit the toddlers. A daycare will also prevent older siblings having to stay home from school to take care of the young children. It promotes education for all. It will also give parents and grandparents the opportunity to work more hours and increase the family income. This will improve their livelihood and allow for healthier meals, access to health care, and educational opportunities for the whole family.
Together with students from Windesheim University of Applied Science, we will develop and start this project. Would you like to contribute to this new project? By donating financial means, materials, your knowledge or your time? We would love to hear from you!
Dom-ray offers youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds the opportunity to enrol in further education by providing them with scholarships. In exchange for the support that we provide these youngsters with, we ask them to contribute to our projects during or after their studies.
Many of the youngsters involved in Dom-ray’s projects are the first ones in their families to complete their primary and secondary school levels. Dom-ray wants to motivate these young people to continue their studies at university or pursue vocational training. Enrolling in further education will drastically improve their prospects for the future, which in turn will enable them to contribute to the further development and education of their siblings and, in due time, children of their own. To make further education accessible to all, Dom-ray offers scholarships to students who could otherwise not afford to study.
In exchange for the support that we provide these youngsters with, we ask them to contribute to our projects during or after their studies. This way we increase our impact even further and we hope that young people also inspire each other. For example, English students contribute to our language lessons and social work students undertake home visits. These are just a few examples of how ‘our’ students give back to Cambodian society.
Dom-ray offers scholarships to underprivileged students. To facilitate this we are continuously looking for individuals or businesses who are willing to become personal sponsors For as little as € 40,- a month a student can take university training, but of course it is also possible to donate a smaller amount. All donations are much appreciated. Commercial parties who donate, but also private individuals who donate periodically, are entitled to tax reductions. Please contact us if you want to find out more.
Choosing what to study at university may be one of the most important but perhaps also one of the most difficult decisions in your life. The choice you make naturally has a major influence on your future. That is why Dom-ray finds it important to help students in this decision-making process. By using our digital platform StudyMatch, students can find out more about study programs and universities and find out what really suits them.
Choosing what to study may be difficult for anyone, but is especially challenging for youngsters who have a disadvantaged background. Quite often they do not have the provisions and contacts to investigate all those different options. Moreover a lot of external factors influence this choice. The choices that are made are often based on the prospect of a good salary or their family’s wishes; that is why these youngsters often don’t really know what the study of their choice really implies. Their personality, skills and interests are not taken into account in this choice and so they run the risk of not being able to understand the course, losing joy or motivation, failing their exams and dropping out. That is why we have developed a tool to make a considered choice easier so that the chances of completing their studies is substantially improved.
StudyMatch is an online and freely accessible tool that helps Cambodian high school students in their decision-making process. It offers a complete overview of the study programmes that are offered in Cambodia and at which universities these can be studied. It provides general information on the content of each course and in interviews students refer to their experiences while studying. Video interviews with professionals offer an insight into career options and give a taste of what life might be like after graduation. In cooperation with the Dutch company TalentFocus we offer a free personality- and interest test that allows students to discover their strengths and pitfalls.It also provides suggestions as to which university courses might suit them best based on their personality traits and interests..
Cambodia is a developing country and as a result universities offer new courses frequently. That is why StudyMatch is developing as well. Are you interested in contributing to StudyMatch through knowledge, skills or means? Please contact us for possibilities.
Dom-ray finds it important that the youngsters it supports can become independent members of Cambodian society. To reach this goal, Dom-ray’s MidwayHouse project was started in 2010. The MidwayHouse provides university and vocational training students with affordable and safe housing where they can also acquire the skills that are necessary to transition to a successful independent existence.
The MidwayHouse arose out of the needs of the former students of NFC’s orphanage. Growing up in the shelter had left them without a sense of the value of money, being unfamiliar with what is needed to run a household, and thus being alienated from the real world. Without these skills a successful independent life would be impossible, despite good vocational or university training. To combat these issues and to provide them with a stepping stone, the MidwayHouse was founded in 2010.
The MidwayHouse is a student dormitory that offers safe and affordable housing and is a place where students can also acquire the skills necessary to make a successful transition into an independent lifestyle. Our student coordinator provides mentoring and guidance during their stay. Major expenses, such as rent, are covered by Dom-ray, but the youngsters have to find jobs in order to pay all other expenses, such as water and electricity bills, their food, transportation, and all personal items. Moreover, they are completely responsible for all daily operations, including housekeeping, grocery shopping and cooking. This leaves them with great autonomy and responsibility, mimicking an independent lifestyle. Our aim is that upon completing their studies, these students are ready to live independently.
The MidwayHouse arose out of the needs of the students of NFC’s orphanage in 2010. Nowadays underprivileged students from several NGOs and projects live in the MidwayHouse. Most of these students come from rural communities and are studying in Phnom Penh. Their mixed backgrounds offer them an opportunity to exchange experiences and learn from them.
Social work and community development
Self-reliance is the most important element in all our projects. That is why we don’t just focus on the children themselves, but also offer support to their families and the community as a whole. This way, we hope to break the vicious circle of poverty in a sustainable way and for as many families as possible.
The main goal of Dom-Ray is to strengthen the positions of underprivileged Cambodian children and young adults. To achieve this it is important to not only support the children themselves, but also to invest in the system around the children. That is why we offer all kinds of social work.
We stay in contact with the families of the children who take part in our projects and we regularly undertake home visits. This way, we stay up to date with the things that concern the community and how we can offer help. One example is the provision of food parcels to families that can’t manage to provide three good meals a day owing to circumstances beyond their control – such as the financial consequences of the Corona-pandemic. In doing this we make sure that children get sufficient nutrients for their growth and development, but we also alleviate financial pressure, so that parents can invest in their childrens’ education. Whenever possible the products in the food parcels are bought from farmers in the local community, so that they profit as well.
Our projects arise from the needs of a community. When carrying out these projects we try to involve the members of that community as much as possible. We know that projects can only be successful if there is broad support by the community. If possible our projects also provide jobs and ways of creating an income for families. In doing so, we help the children themselves but also make sure the community system is reinforced in order to put an end to the vicious circle of poverty.
Health and hygiene
Many people living in the Cambodian countryside have little access to good quality health care. Because good health is important for both physical and cognitive-emotional development of children, Dom-ray strives to improve access to health care for these underprivileged members of Cambodian society.
Dom-ray offers underprivileged or vulnerable young Cambodians opportunities to improve their future. To do so, she undertakes many projects, mainly focusing on education and personal development. But because good health is also extremely important for both physical and cognitive-emotional development of children, Dom-ray also undertakes activities related to preventive and curative care.
Many people living in the Cambodian countryside have limited access to health care. Our health outreach program aims to tackle this issue; we bring health care services to the villages. A team of nurses, doctors and other healthcare providers travel to our rural community and provide both curative and preventive care. Educating the villagers on hygiene and a healthy lifestyle is an important part of this.
Stichting Dom-ray likes to join forces; to learn from each other, to help each other, and to create an even bigger impact. To facilitate the health outreach project, Dom-ray collaborates with Hospital Beyond Boundaries Phnom Penh, an organisation with ample experience in providing medical care to disadvantaged communities. But even more special is the fact that this project was established – and is continuously developed further – by nursing students from Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. As part of their minor International Sustainable Development they can work for this project for a few months. It offers them the opportunity to explore a different healthcare system and to gain experience in development aid. And the members of our community get improved health care in return – a win-win situation!
Community Education Program Phnom Penh
The Community Education Project offers free extracurricular lessons to children from a suburb of Phnom Penh.
New Future for Children (NFC) is Dom-ray’s Cambodian partner organisation. NFC was founded back in 2003 to offer underprivileged and vulnerable children a safe home and quality education. Since its foundation NFC has gradually transformed from orphanage to a community education centre. Together with Dom-ray NFC has initiated several new projects throughout the years.
The Community Education Program now provides free English and computer classes, sports and cultural activities to disadvantaged children in Phnom Penh. Although this project is paid for mainly by other funds and donors, Dom-ray supports the Community Education Program in Phnom Penh with additional funds when necessary.